Die Plattform MAP umfasst Fachgesellschaften und Fachgremien aus den Disziplinen Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik. Sie unterstützt die Tätigkeiten dieser Organisationen und koordiniert und fördert die Forschung und Bildung im Bereich Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik.

Bild: ESO

Call for the Prix Schläfli 2023

The Prix Schläfli, one of the longest-running science prizes in Switzerland (since 1866), is awarded by the Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) to young scientists for excellent articles resulting from PhDs.

Pokale Prix Schläfli

The Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT) awards the Prix Schläfli for scientific articles resulting from PhDs that make major contributions to key questions in their respective fields. In 2023, four prizes will be awarded according to the following disciplines: Astronomy, Biology, Chemistry and Geosciences

A jury is established for each of the four areas in order to evaluate the candidates and choose the laureates. The prize includes a monetary award of CHF 5’000.

Eligibility is limited to young researchers who completed their doctoral thesis at a Swiss university, or Swiss nationals who completed their doctoral thesis abroad. Candidates must have defended their doctoral thesis between 1 November 2019 and 31 October 2022. Nominations may only be submitted by the candidate’s doctoral supervisor or by the president of an SCNAT member society.

Nominations must be submitted using our online form before 31 October 2022 (scnat.ch/prixschlaefli).


  • Geowissenschaften
  • Nachwuchsförderung