La plateforme MAP comprend des sociétés spécialisées et des organes scientifiques dans les disciplines des mathématiques, de l'astronomie et de la physique. Elle soutient les activités de ces organisations et coordonne et promeut la recherche et l'éducation en mathématiques, astronomie et physique.

Image : ESO

Bürgi exhibition in St. Gallen until March 3, 2024

The exhibition on the Swiss watchmaker, astronomer and mathematician "Jost Bürgi (1552–1632) – Schlüssel zum Kosmos" at the Kulturmuseum St. Gallen lasts until March 3, 2024.

Frontispiz zu Bürgis Bedienungsanleitung für sein Triangulationsinstrument. Kupferstichporträt von Ägidius Sadeler, Illustrationen von Anton Eisenhoit.

The exhibition brings together Bürgi's masterpieces and places them in a cultural-historical context. Special pieces representing Bürgi's life and work are shown. Among others, exhibits from Kassel such as the cross-beat clock, the celestial globe Kassel I or a signed calibration rod. The Bürgi globe of the Swiss National Museum, Bürgi's only work in Switzerland, is also displayed. The exhibition is also aimed didactically at teachers and school classes.

Jost Bürgi was born in 1552 in Lichtensteig, Switzerland. He trained as a watchmaker and built high-precision measuring instruments and celestial globes. He was also active in mathematics, co-inventing logarithms and contributing to astronomical difference calculus.

As part of the Jost Bürgi exhibition at the Kulturmuseum St. Gallen, the following events will take place in St. Gallen and Lichtensteig until the finissage on Sunday, March 3, 2024:

  • Weltanschauliche Umbrüche in der Renaissance, lecture by Dr. Jost Schmid, Head of the Maps and Panoramas Department, Zentralbibliothek Zürich on Sunday, 18 February 2024, 11.00 a.m., at the Kulturmuseum St. Gallen
  • Jost Bürgi und die wissenschaftliche Revolution im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert, lecture by Dr. Karsten Gaulke, astronomy historian on Sunday, 25 February 2024, 11.00 a.m., at the Kulturmuseum St. Gallen
  • Von Bürgis Small Data- zu modernen Big Data-Anwendungen, international symposium of the Jost Bürgi Forum Lichtensteig on Saturday, March 2, 2024, from 2 p.m. in Lichtensteig
