La piattaforma MAP comprende società specifiche e organi scientifici provenienti dalle discipline di matematica, di astronomia e di fisica. Sostiene le attività di queste organizzazioni e coordina e promuove la ricerca e la formazione in matematica, astronomia e fisica.

Immagine: ESO

High interest in the 2024 Quantum Voucher Model

The Quantum Voucher Call of the Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI) has generated a great amount of interest. A total of 127 vouchers were requested in 90 applications - a maximum of two vouchers were possible per application. One voucher is worth a maximum of 50,000 Swiss francs.

Quantum Voucher Call Evaluation
Immagine: Scott Graham, Unsplash

36 of the 90 applications came from the private sector, the rest from academia. The vouchers are intended to promote collaboration among Swiss institutions as well as institutions that work closely with Switzerland in order to make even better use of existing infrastructures, platforms and services in the field of quantum. The call is aimed at projects at a broad technology readiness level. These are neither purely basic research nor the development of commercial products. The applications will be assessed by an international evaluation committee in the coming weeks. The SQI will announce the results in November.

This is already the fourth call within the framework of this national initiative: after the current call for events and conferences and the call for ideas for infrastructures, both under the operational management of Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT), as well as the Swiss Quantum Call, organised by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF).

List of members of the evaluation panel for the 2024 Quantum Voucher Model:

  • Decaroli, Chiara / Redstone / CH
  • Heijman-te Paske, Freeke / Heijman Consultancy / NL
  • Herrmann, Lorenz / Empa / CH
  • Kontos, Takis / ENS Paris / FR
  • Landolt, Thomas / Landolt Advisory / CH
  • Lecomte, Steve / CSEM / CH
  • Lehmann, Hugo / METAS / CH
  • Mather, Melissa / University of Notthingham / UK
  • Reiter, Florentin / Fraunhofer IAF / DE
  • Walther, Philip / University of Vienna / A



Dr. Andreas Masuhr
Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna