The platform MAP incorporates societies and scientifique bodies dedicated to the areas of mathematics, astronomy and physics. It supports the organisations’ activities and coordinates and promotes research and education in the field of mathematics, astronomy and physics.

Image: ESO

MAP Young Faculty Meeting 2024


09:00 - 17:00


Berner Generationenhaus
Bahnhofplatz 2
3011 Bern

Meeting place

Generationenhaus Bern

The Young Faculty Meeting 2024 will take place on Friday, 6 September 2024 in Bern's Generationenhaus, right next to Bern's main railway station. The event is dedicated to the topic of managing people/leadership.

Exchange among Peers
Image: Plattform MAP

Participants can benefit from each other's experiences as well as those of successful senior researchers and an expert in leadership and manager development. The event offers plenty of opportunity to get to know each other and discuss.

Please register via until 23 August 2024. Simply indicate your first and last name and the institution where you work.

The prerequisite for participation is a first research group leading position (after postdoc) at a Swiss institution of higher education (university, ETH/EPF, ...) in the fields of MAP.


9:30 - Registration and coffee
9:45 - Welcome
9:50 - Round of presentation by the participants
10:20 - Case Study Session 1
10:50 - Coffee break
11:15 - Talks 1&2 Senior Researcher
11:45 - Lunch
13:15 - Talks 3&4 Senior Researcher
13:45 - Discussion Panel
14:30 - Coffee break
14:45 - Case Study Session 2 and Wrap-up
15:50 - End

Organising Committee
Christian Wäckerlin (EPFL)
Franca Schmid (University of Berne)
Veerle Sterken (ETHZ)
Julian Sonner (MAP Präsidium, University of Geneva)
Marc Türler (SCNAT)
Anina Steinlin (SCNAT)

  • Anna Fontcuberta i Morral
  • James Kirchner
  • Kathryn Hess
  • Julian Sonner
  • Panel discussion moderated by Martina Rychen (center)
  • Case Study Session
  • Presentation of Case Studies
  • Anna Fontcuberta i MorralImage: Plattform MAP, SCNAT1/7
  • James KirchnerImage: Plattform MAP2/7
  • Kathryn HessImage: Plattform MAP3/7
  • Julian SonnerImage: Plattform MAP4/7
  • Panel discussion moderated by Martina Rychen (center)Image: Plattform MAP5/7
  • Case Study SessionImage: Plattform MAP6/7
  • Presentation of Case StudiesImage: Plattform MAP7/7


  • Promotion of young talents
Participation to the event is free of charge. Venue, lunch and coffee breaks are funded by the Platform MAP. Only the travel to Berne is at your own expenses.
Languages: English