The platform MAP incorporates societies and scientifique bodies dedicated to the areas of mathematics, astronomy and physics. It supports the organisations’ activities and coordinates and promotes research and education in the field of mathematics, astronomy and physics.

Image: ESO

1st Swiss SCOSTEP workshop

4-5 October 2016, ISSI Bern


Hallerstrasse 6, 3012 Bern

This workshop aims at bringing together Swiss scientists with an interest in solar-terrestrial physics, covering the topics of fundamental solar physics, solar variability, Sun-Earth relations, and future missions and observations. It encourages a lively exchange between participants to identify synergies, foster collaborations, and strengthen the community.

Zahlen und Formeln (Symbolbild)
Image: denisismagilov,

The Scientific Committee on Solar Terrestrial Physics (SCOSTEP) is an international organization with the goal of strengthening and promoting international solar-terrestrial physics research. As of 2016 Switzerland is a member of SCOSTEP and a National Committee has been established with the goal of promoting and representing the solar-terrestrial community within Switzerland and internationally.


  • Solar activity