Die Plattform MAP umfasst Fachgesellschaften und Fachgremien aus den Disziplinen Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik. Sie unterstützt die Tätigkeiten dieser Organisationen und koordiniert und fördert die Forschung und Bildung im Bereich Mathematik, Astronomie und Physik.

Bild: ESO

Flood governance beyond the floodplain: the role of sectoral policies, economic interests and local perceptions


13:00 - 14:30


registered participants receive a link to participate

Workshop Series: 2022 Annual Conference

Workshop Series

By René Veron & Team

Floods are an area of concern at the intersection of sustainability and wellbeing. Linked to climate action, research and international policies have recently started to pay more attention to flood hazards. This digital workshop brings together researchers on flood governance in India, Bangladesh, Switzerland and France. The cross-cultural investigations will shed light on distinct yet comparable spatial-political settings that can be beneficial as a heuristic tool informing each case study. The panel will document an array of existing situated adaptive practices that enable communities to cope with floods. We believe that ‘interactive fluid governance’ – through a detailed mapping of the plural risks and resilience scenarios in floodplains – opens possibilities for action and policy. This workshop is co-sponsored by the CLOC Knowledge2Action South Asia.

Registration: Please register for the workshop
